Covid-19 Updates

Douglass Colony has always had safety as our top priority. The health and well-being of our employees and customers is at the forefront of every choice we make and we are doing everything we can to be conscientious and cautious given the current COVID-19 public health concern. As an essential service, we are still continuing to serve and build our community while following all of the CDC guidelines.

What We’re Doing

  • Anyone experiencing any form of illness is being told to stay home. The same applies to any employees who have come in contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Cloth face coverings made according to CDC guidelines are being worn at all times in the office and at job sites.
  • Everyone is maintaining the recommended six-foot distance from all others.
  • Minimizing the sharing of equipment when not absolutely necessary. If necessary, we are cleaning and disinfecting tools and equipment before switching users.
  • Washing our hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and hot water as well as providing hand sanitizer and/or wipes whenever and wherever possible.
  • Meetings on all job sites have been limited to less than ten employees so that six feet of separation can always be maintained.
  • Meetings in company offices are being conducted virtually.
  • All employees have been given a copy of their rights pertaining to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act to ensure that everyone is aware of their paid sick leave options and can take the best possible care of themselves and their families.

This page will be continually updated as the situation progresses. Stay safe and remember to wash your hands!

Questions? Contact your Douglass Colony representative or email